Some folks may think that this article contains only a motivational message, but no... this article is a call for action. And a lot of it. Also defined as "Massive action". I certainly don't want to scare anyone away with the word "massive", but sometimes it's necessary to provide a reality check.
If you think you're going to see success in the cleaning by sticking a yellow page ad search in the phone book for a good company, good luck with that.Well cleaning windows and removing hard water stains or spots takes a special product you wont find everyday in your local hardware or grocery store.
The glass restoration products I use can be ordered online at a variety of supply stores. In this article I will list some reputable places where you can order hard water stain removal products and give you some general information on how to remove hard water spots with a mini do it yourself hard water stain removal tutorial.
Water Spot Removal Project
Just a quick tip before you get started on your water spot removal project. In most cases hard water stains are formed due to poorly adjusted sprinklers. So before you start, make sure that all sprinklers are adjusted properly so they do not spray the windows. The first thing you will need is a quality hard water stain remover. I am NOT talking about Limeaway or CLR.These products simply do not work. You can find a list of high quality water stain removal products here water stain removers.
Now it may take a couple of days to receive your spot removal product but it is well worth the wait. Also all supplies and services have been tested and used by me on actual jobs so I know they work and trust the sources to purchase them from. My favorite Hard water Stain Remover is Bio-Clean, so make sure you look for it when making a hard water stain product purchase. Once you have your hard water stain remover in hand, you will need either a white and I specify WHITE scub pad not green!! and or a cloth towel or rag to apply the solution.
The idea here is to not scratch the glass while you are removing the hard water stain.
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